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Super Topup Plan

Super Topup Policy

As the medical landscape of the world evolves and becomes more important than ever, individuals and families alike are seeking the best options to keep themselves both financially as well as medically prepared. To that end, options like super top up health insurance plans are becoming a popular policy option because of the benefits they offer over general health policies. If super top up health insurance has also been on our mind, here’s what you need to know to be rest assured that you are choosing the right health insurance policy for you.

Understanding Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans

We can try to better understand the concept of super top up health insurance in the context of a simple example. Let assume that Mr. A has a health insurance policy worth Rs 6 lakhs. Unfortunately, Mr. A experiences a medical emergency and has to undergo a procedure worth Rs 8 lakhs.
If he has a regular health insurance plan, his policy will offer coverage that is equal to his sum assured ie. Rs 6 lakhs, provided by the insurer. The remaining amount ie. Rs 8 -6 = Rs 2 lakhs will have to be paid out by Mr. A.
If he has a top up health insurance, Mr. A could opt for a policy worth Rs 10 lakhs and choose a deductible limit of Rs. 5 lakhs. The same procedure will then be entirely covered by the insurer. However, if Mr. A experiences another medical emergency during the year, his top up policy will not kick into gear. If he has a super top up health policy, Mr. A can receive the aforementioned benefits of a top up health policy for not just one but multiple claims in a year.
When buying health insurance plans, whether for yourself, a loved one, or your entire family, it is important to take into the long-term value of your health policy. The best super top up health insurance plans in the industry is capable of providing such value, particularly when you consider the rising costs of medical procedures and hospitalisations.

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